Bridge - April 2001
The day started out
with five Jeeps in our group meeting up at a rest area on I-75 just South
of Florence, KY at 7:30. From here we were to head down to Natural Bridge
to meet up with the rest of the group. First we had to stop at a truck-stop
so I could get a new CB antennae and we could all gas up. We all felt
sorry for the poor guy heading North with the really shiny Hummer on the
trailer at the gas station.
So after 2+ hours
of highway we met up with the other three Jeeps and it was time to air-down,
lock hubs, and hit the trail. When Andy pulled his rig down off the trailer
he realized that his brand new stainless steel brake line to his rear
axle had broken. With no parts stores close by, he and Liz ended up riding
in the plush (sarcastic) backseat of my Cherokee. This quickly put a damper
on the day and was a little forecast of things yet to come. We were all
anxious to see what those brand new Swampers on bead locks and 4
BDS lift could do. I guess well have to wait until the next trip.
So with already one Jeep down, we headed towards the trail. As we entered
our usual entrance, we ran into a group of familiar Jeeps from Ohio River
Fourwheelers. They informed us of a locked gate ahead and we would have
to find another way in. Luckily they knew just the spot and headed us
in the right direction. We ended up hitting the trail just above the narrows
(the big natural bridge in the area).
We ran into a group
of old Land Cruisers (mostly FJ-40s) from Indiana. They were pulling away
as we came to the top of the bridge so we all stopped, watched them climb
the rocks on the other side of the bridge, and then we walked down the path
under the arch. This seemed like a good time for a group shot.
We headed on down the
trail to Table Top Rock. This is a really cool rock on the side
of the trail that tests the flexibility of your suspension. As long as you
take it slow, there is no danger but if you take it too fast, there isnt
much to stop you from rolling down the hill for a couple hundred feet. I
came down it without trouble as usual and decided to turn around and try
to drive back up the steep side. Ive done this once before successfully.
But this time I got turned a little into a bad position and basically had
to just try to climb up with my back left tire stuck in the undercut of
the rock. I barely got on the gas and POP. Thats the sound a driveshaft
makes when one of the ears of the yoke breaks off.
Out came the tow strap
to pull me up on top so I could remove the broken driveshaft. Without a
spare, my dreams of climbing Carburetor and Moonshine
hills would remain a dream. I had to limp along in front wheel drive the
rest of the day. (A great selling point of a Slip Yoke Eliminator) Without
a locker in front, It was one wheel spinning on anything slick. No one else
tried to climb up the backside of Table Top. Phil did drive down it where
I did but Matt decided to take a different line and came down the left side
of the rock.
Everyone but Phil
and Matt bypassed the rock so once we got them over it, we headed on.
We followed the trail down a rocky section on down to the creek crossing
near the old power station.
I had to bypass the
short but steep hill on the other side of the creek so Scott was the first
one to try it. He got his front up without any trouble but his rock rails
were quickly sitting on the rock ledge and the Cherokee wasnt going
any further. He had to back up and take the bypass. Brian in the stock
TJ had to do the same. Phil and Matt both shot up it without any problems.
DJ found that the wet Boggers do much better on the rocks when spinning
and with some throttle got over the hill. Daves wife Becky was about
to take the bypass but the group wasnt having that. We talked her
into taking the harder line. She hit the hill just right and climbed on
After getting everyone
across the creek, we headed up the steep little goat-path of a trail up
to Moonshine trail. Moonshine is a very rocky, tight-walled,
loose when dry, sloppy when wet hill. Without at least a rear locker, you
better have at least 33s, decent flex and a lot of throttle. Andy and I
both were looking forward to this trail because the last time we were there
it was extremely wet and I and Dave Stahl (another Cherokee driver) only
made it up about half-way. You could barely stand in one place without sliding
down the hill. Since Andy and I were both broke at this point, we had to
talk Phil and Matt into givin' it a shot. It was bone dry and with 33s and
a locker, Phil didnt have too much trouble getting up. There was a
lot of dirt flying and rubber left on the rocks but he made it without any
Matt said he would
go if Phil did it so it was his turn now. Matt isnt locked but he
does have good flex and 35s. Plus he wasnt afraid to put the right
pedal down. It took a lot more work to get Matt through it but he eventually
made it. We couldnt get the rest of the group up this trail to see
what was beyond this section so Phil and Matt turned around at the top
and had to come back down.
Even coming down
the hill wasnt easy. Id hate to have to do it when it is wet.
We got everyone back to the creek and headed on down towards Carburetor
Hill. This is a neat section of the trail. It winds along the creek and
crosses the creek a few times. We had to go through a few mud holes and
straddle a big washout in the middle of the trail along the way. We came
up to the bottom of Carburetor and I had to get off to the side to let
everyone else go up so someone could winch me up. Carburetor is a fairly
tough hill if you dont have at least 33s and a locker or two. It
is a series of steps spaced just at the right distance to catch all four
tires at the same time. Doesnt really matter what wheelbase you
have, there are enough steps to catch all four tires no matter what you
There is a bypass
to the right but isnt what you think of as a normal bypass. If you
arent big enough to go up the middle of Carburetor, you will drag
your diffs, frame, or skidplates on the rocks on the bypass.
Phil was first to
attempt Carb Hill. He had a little trouble at first on the first big step
but once he found the right line, made it up without any unnecessary excitement.
Next up was Matt and
he hit it at the right speed and with a little more throttle, made it up
easily. The 35s laughed at the little rocks as they rolled over them.
Next up was Scott
in his clean Cherokee. I forgot what a Cherokee looked like inside without
mud all over the dash, seats, and floorboards. He is locked in the rear
but the small 30 inch tires hurt him on this obstacle. With some throttle,
he climbed the first step without trouble but then had to take the bypass
to the right. The Chrysler 8.25 rear end hangs down a little lower than
Dana 35s and Scott shaved away some rock for the next Jeep with big diffs.
With a little back up and hit it again approach, he ground
enough of the rock away and was on his way to the top.
Now for the new guy.
This was Brian Siebenburgens first trip with TKO and we hope it wont
be his last. For someone in a stock Jeep on an unfamiliar trail, he did
a great job. Granted he does have 30x10.50 Swampers so its not exactly
stock but without lift and lockers, he put that Jeep in places that at least
I was impressed it kept going. This proves that if you put a good driver
behind the wheel that is willing to listen to the spotters, you dont
need a monster Jeep to have fun. Like Scott, Brian had to use the bypass
and also needed the back up and hit it again with a little more throttle
approach to slide the undercarriage over the rocks. He cut back into the
main trail just above the bypass and with a smile on his face from ear to
ear climbed on up to the top of the hill.
Phil then positioned
himself around at the top to winch me up the hill. This was the first
time he got to test out his new winch. While winching me up, the rocks
decided to steer my Jeep for me with my drivers side up on the main
trail and passengers side down on the bypass which made for an interesting
ride. Its a strange feeling when you think you are about at your
rollover point and you have no control cause someone else is pulling you
up the hill.
Everything went fine
though and before I knew it I was up at the top getting ready to watch
DJ and Gary make an attempt at the hill. With the big Boggers having about
20psi in em, the big CJ could not get over
the first step. After numerous attempts, Gary decided to air them down
some more. With about 14psi, they were much more grippy and climbed on
up the step. Unfortunately though the big CJ ran into some cooling problems
and with the threat of over-heating, Gary shut her down.
Dave was last in line and hit the hill with some throttle,
made it over the first step and headed to the bypass. He was up to the
top in no time and hooked his Warn up to Garys CJ.
Once Gary was up top, Matt decided to play the role of
Garys tow-rig for the rest of the trail. I needed a strap from Dave
on the next rock ledge just past Carburetor and then we were quickly on
our way. We were now passed all the rocks but had the mud holes to deal
with. One thing about Natural Bridge is that you never know just how deep
the mud holes are. I found out the hard
photos are property of TKO Trailrider.

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each picture to view it larger.
way last time I was down there when I dropped into hot-tub.
Chalk up a radiator and an alternator to the hole that day. I wouldnt
go into this hole without lockers front and rear and at least 35s. Everyone
wisely bypassed this hole this time. Well, at least intended on bypassing
it. When Matt was towing Gary around it, the wide Boggers on the passenger
side decided theyd rather play in the mud than stay on the dry dirt.
(Boggers are like that.) The big CJ slid sideways into the deep hole and
we thought for sure it was going over. With Andy and I hanging on the
nerf bars to keep weight on the drivers side, Gary fired the Jeep
up again and pulled out of the hole.
Shortly after Hot Tub the trail turns into a small swamp.
With only one wheel spinning up front, I had to keep hitting it, then
back up, then hit it again to push the wall of mud out of my way. This
took quite a few tries but I eventually made it out of the hole. You just
couldnt tell what color my Cherokee was anymore (outside or the
inside). Everyone made it through this hole fine. Even the stock TJ made
it through.
Gary decided to fire up the CJ to turn the Boggers through
this hole to help Matt out. The Boggers felt right at home and looked
like they wanted to push Matt out of the way.
Not too much more along the trail we came to the hole
that we all refer to as the hole that Phil flipped his Bronco II in. You
cant miss it. It is right in the middle of the trail and drops straight
off at the start of the hole. For future reference, hit this mud hole
dead square
do not try to keep one side up on the edge. This is
how Phil rolled his Bronco. We all made it through this hole without any
We didnt get much further down the trail when Dave
and Becky realized their Jeep wasnt turning very well to the right.
Upon further inspection revealed a bent drag-link. Without spare parts
or a welder there wasnt anything we could do about it but hope it
held together on the way home. You wouldnt want to bend it back
straight cause this would weaken the metal even more. That would probably
cause it to just bend again easily or possibly even break.
We only had a few more mud holes and a little hill-climb
and we were back on semi-paved roads again. With Andys brake line,
my drive shaft, Garys radiator, and Daves drag-link, we were
all pretty happy to get back to the park and ride where we left the trailers.
For those of us without the luxury of a trailer, it was time to air up,
get gas, and try to wipe the mud off of the windows, lights, and mirrors.
While doing all of this Scott mentioned that his voltmeter
was pretty low. We all had a pretty good feeling that some of those deeper
mud holes got to his alternator. Sure enough, after about an hour on the
interstate we all pulled off took the battery out of Andys Jeep
and put it into Scotts Cherokee. We were hoping this would be enough
to at least get Scott home. Just about 30 minutes later though we had
to pull off again and this time Scott had a flat-bed take him the rest
of the way.
So out of eight vehicles that started, only two came
home without any damage other than scratches or dents. It was an unusually
rough day for TKO but that wont stop us from doing it again. By
the time you read this, most of those breakages will be fixed and new
ones occurred. C-ya on the trail!